Sunday, December 30, 2018

Garden Log --- December 29, 2018

I'm having a hard time controlling my impulse to plant something.... dang! This cold weather had better let up soon. It appears that we're in for a few really cold days next week, even some possible ice in the forecast.  I've continued to get a few tomatoes from the greenhouse....not many but a few.
I've not been happy with the fall/winter garden, we lost a lot of it with a real early frost and one night that got into the teens, so I was really bummed. Despite my neglect, the remaining plants have kept right on growing - the really hardy ones! I was surprised at the endive, something I've never grown before. 
Kale, endive and corn salad (mache)
Three trays of microgreens in the greenhouse

I got a piece of sugar cane from my FB garden group and it's rooting on the windowsill in the kitchen.  This thing is rooting FAST! I guess I'll pot it up to begin with, not quite sure what or where I'll put it.

Snap peas, broccoli and more kale
Chirimin Haikasu cabbage, Casper kale and another shot of the endive

Another experiment with some seed I got from my FB garden group.  I had to soak these guava seed for a couple of weeks before planting (I followed the advice of a couple of You-tube gardeners.) They actually soaked closer to three weeks because of Christmas doings, but one set had started to sprout in the water, so I had to get them in their pots. I had 12 seeds each of Colombian Red and Apple Red guava seeds. They are in the greenhouse on a heat mat now.

Now for some excitement!! It's time to start the baby plants for the spring garden.  First up, the peppers, since they are the most reluctant to germinate and take FOREVER.... Yesterday I set them all in water to soak, and today they went into the little seedling cups. I put two in each, and will separate them if they all germinate (highly unlikely!) 
  1. Beaver Dam 500 to 1,000 shu
  2. Shishito most are sweet, but a few will be hot
  3. Sugar Rush Peach 100,000 to 200,000 shu (saved seeds)
  4. Large Jalapeno - 5,000 shu (saved seeds from last year's hybrid, LaBamba - who knows what I'll get?!!)
  5. Poblano pepper, 2000 shu
  6. Lombok pepper, mild, zero to 1,000 shu
  7. Spanish Padron tapas pepper, 500 to 2,500 shu
  8. Feher Ozon Paprika pepper, very mild heat

Today I put the sweet peppers in the soaking cups, and will plant them tomorrow.

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