Sunday, March 8, 2015

Chicken Checkin'

The babies are about 2 weeks old today! Here's Tiny one week ago:
And here's Tiny today at 2 weeks old!
"Hey, look at my cool pin feathers!! I'm gonna be a beauty!" 

The flock has been enjoying a brief period of dry weather and have enjoyed being out and about.  They get all kinds of treats every day, so it's no surprise that they run to the gate every time they hear us coming out.
 Handsome Romeo (can you tell he's my favorite?)  Good tempered guy.
Laverne watching to see what I've brought her.  

Today we have had non-stop rain, though, so its back to mud and muck. 

I have a theory that chickens are closely related to dinosaurs...look at that bird eye. She's looking for weakness in me, I just know it.  They even walk like raptors.....

Today I had to use up some eggs, so I made up some of these Salsa Verde Eggs for week-day breakfasts (without the cheese.) I'll add the cheese when I heat them and use with the 80 calorie LaTortilla Factory whole wheat tortillas that I found this week at the grocery store -- yummm!

I also froze two dozen in 2 glass jars for future egg casseroles. I had way too many eggs in the fridge, but I know that the girls will go through ups and downs in egg production, so I'll be glad to have them later.

I don't think these will hatch, no matter what you do, John!

Found this little pile in the corner of the vineyard yesterday while I was feeding the deer.  I'm guessing these were picked up by John after he was practicing his drive, and he just threw them all in this pile. Ha! From a distance it looked just like a nest of eggs to me.

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