Wednesday, April 13, 2016

K is for Kale (Redbor Kale)

I had planned to do this post about a new squash I wanted to try this year, Kamo Kamo Squash.  I even bought the seeds and all, but never planted them.  You remember about my seed addiction, well, I had too many seeds and not enough garden space, so those will have to wait until next year.

So, we're back to kale.  I tried a red kale variety this year from Johnny's Select Seeds.  I planted these in a big pot in the Pot Garden, thank goodness, because all the kale I planted out in the regular garden has not done as well.  This one is in partial shade during the day, and I think it likes it there.
Kale has become one of my favorite foods - steamed, braised, fresh in salads - just about any way you can think to cook it.

I'll be thinning this pot out some by pulling up a few young plants here and there to give the others room to mature, but it's looking good so far!

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