Saturday, July 18, 2015

Summer Garden Notes, July 18, 2015

The lettuce is all gone, but I'm in the middle of bringing in the last of the kale.  The heat is just too much for it, although for now it still tastes great.  I especially love this Scarlet Kale.  It's very tasty and is beautiful to look at too!  This made a fantastic salad last week!
The tomatoes have started to stack up again, so these made four bags of stewed tomatoes in the freezer this week, too.  After the trimming I gave the tomatoes a while back, they've all roared back to life and have started pumping out the fruit.  And tomorrow we're making a batch of fresh pico de gallo tomorrow with a few of these beauties that I set aside.
Ditto with the jalapenos.  Four more pints of pickled jalapeno rings...we use these on everything, including eggs!
And, the same with the okra! I'm picking every other day just to keep up.  This past week we cut up everything we had in the fridge, dredged in egg/milk wash, and dusted with seasoned cornmeal, then froze in bags for future fried okra.  It's our favorite way to eat this southern vegetable. I think okra gets a bad rap, since most people I talk to about it wrinkle up their nose and made an "ewww" face -- it just needs to be fixed properly.
Stewart's Zeebest, Silver Queen, Beck's Big Buck Okra

Speaking of a great way to fix it, tonight I made gumbo.  We buy a bottled gumbo base since I have no idea how to make an actual rue properly (there's an art to it and I've never mastered it) and I add onion, green and red peppers, okra and shrimp.

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