Sunday, January 6, 2019

Garden Log --- January 6, 2019

Today I planted the cherry type tomatoes and I'm excited to see how they do!  Out to the greenhouse now.

I am growing a mix of heirloom and hybrid tomatoes this year, I really need to make sure I get a good harvest because I'm almost out of salsa, and we can't have that! 

Pink markers are full sized, pale purple markers are cherry tomatoes

Thai Pink Egg - pink to red oval cherry, Indeterminate
Purple Bumblebee - dark red and green streaked cherry, Indeterminate
Honey Bunch (Hybrid) - yellow grape, Indeterminate
Kumato (Hybrid) - very dark red large cherry (I saved these seeds from grocery purchase, so no telling what I'll get!
Sara's Galapagos Red - tiny red currant type, Indeterminate
Sweet Millions (Hybrid) - small red cherry, Indeterminate
Tomatoberry (Hybrid) - strawberry shaped red cherry, Indeterminate
Hundred and Millions - small red cherry, Determinate
Valentine (Hybrid) - red grape tomato, Indeterminate
Early Ssubakus Aliana - small yellow cherry, Indeterminate
Dances with Smurf's - blue (turning deep red) cherry, Indeterminate
Champagne - Pale yellow cherry, Indeterminate

Friday, January 4, 2019

Garden Log -- January 3, 2019

These are the full sized tomatoes that I'm planting this year. They've been planted in a flat now, and are going out to the greenhouse once I get the cherry tomatoes planted in the same flat. 
  1. Aussie - Large red beefsteak type, Indeterminate
  2. Big Rainbow - Large, Yellow with red streaks, Indeterminate
  3. Black from Tula - Dark Red flattened, Indeterminate
  4. Butter Apple - Full sized yellow, Indeterminate
  5. Cow's Tit - Elongated paste tomato, Indeterminate
  6. Faelan's First Snow - Full sized purple, Indeterminate, supposed to have variegated leaves (!!)
  7. Hillbilly - Full sized, yellow/red stripes, Indeterminate
  8. Monkey's Ass - Full sized red oxheart type, Indeterminate
  9. Pink Stuffer - Full sized pink, Indeterminate
  10. Wolverine - Full sized, yellow with purple shoulders, Determinate
Some fun varieties there, and I'm looking forward to seeing how they turn out! The cherry tomatoes will be next.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Stumbling into Ketogenics

New year, new goals....
Today John and I both started the Keto diet plan.  It's been fine so far, but I didn't make the goal needed of 75% of my food being fat, 20% protein and 5% carbs.  I think its going to be trial and error for a while until I can wrap my head around all the details.  

I don't think it will be hard, but it's just very new to me. We were all raised on the USDA food pyramid, and eating all this fat is going to be strange.  These are the types of foods that have always been a no-no on calorie based diets! I should add, my heart doc encouraged me to try this way of eating, so I guess it's legit!

Tonight's dinner was a taco salad! Very tasty!