Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Garden Log --- April 3, 2017

On Saturday we planted the green beans out in the field.  John thinks we need more space with these, so he wanted to put them out in long rows, spread out so that we can pick them easily.  I'm a fan of this! Picking will be a lot easier.  He had already plowed out there and so just a back and forth with the tiller and we got to planting.

We stretched a 50 foot soaker hose in the middle of each row, covered it up, and then I planted the seeds. Then he hooked it all up to the water and it's on a regular timer. 

 The soil is beautiful out there, he's been spending years getting it like this, with very few rocks.

We have Calima (my favorite, I grow this one every year), Jade (my second favorite) and a new one for me this year, Maxibel. 

We'll be planting the corn and okra out there this year too, probably mid-April.

Meanwhile, today I planted the winter squash in cups, anticipating to be able to put them out in the garden in about 3 weeks.  They'll all go on the squash house when the peas are pulled up.

Not much more to do in the main garden now except keep an eye on it - I take a walk through every morning and again in the evening, if not more often! ha! There's always weeding to do.

The broccoli bed is growing well. I'm already bringing in the sprouts from the Rapini, almost daily. The purple peacock is interesting, such a ruffled leaf. 
Little Shin Kuroda carrots ....
and the summer squash are sprouting. This Zapallo del Tronco is a round, ball type zucchini.
This is a new one for me this year, Erba Stella Minutina. It came up fast and I don't know what to expect. Isn't it fun to try new things? It's in the greens category, goes in salads, etc. and can be grown as a perennial.  We'll see if it will survive here since Texas heat and environment may not allow it.
The grapes in the vineyard are starting to come alive again. These are the champanel grapes are usually the first - they have a pretty pink blush to them.

Just a few nectarines on the two trees we planted last year.
In the yard, the three rose bushes we planted last year on our anniversary are looking great.  I was, and still am, a little worried about one of them - its much smaller then the other two.  We'll see if it survives. Yellow roses are my favorite.
The second group of purple bearded iris are in full bloom as the older group has faded.

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