Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Spring Garden Notes - April 12, 2016

I planted another container of potatoes (I keep saying I'm done, but I keep finding interesting things to plant.  I have an addiction for sure!)  These are called "All Blue." They've already started sprouting.
 The beans are all up and growing.  We're getting a good thunderstorm tonight, so tomorrow they should have grown by inches...they love a good lightening storm.
 I finally broke up that huge aloe vera plant and there were soooooo many babies there. I stopped at 24 pots and just started combining groups of them, planting the last few in one of my flower beds.  Whew!
 The first Bok Choy plants were picked and cleaned.  This was about 1-1/2 pounds of choy here.  Our favorite way to eat is is braised.  Yummmmmmm!
 I'm starting to pick the Swiss Chard.  This is the "Hot Pink" and it was chopped and cooked in an omelet.  We also use it in salads and sometimes just stir fried with garlic when the leaves are bigger.
 In the fruit world, the elderberries are starting to show up...
...and we FINALLY had our first apple blossom.  This one is on the Gala.  I was so excited to see this bloom.  We put these trees in in 2013 so this is their 4th spring here.  It's about time!
And our thorn-less blackberry bush is blooming too!  Looking forward to many more on this plant.  It did so well last year, and spread out even more during the winter.

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