Friday, June 20, 2014

Summer Day Camp --- Day Four

Today we're off to the zoo to spend the morning -- our goal is to find out if the San Antonio Zoo has any sharks.  Starting off with good breakfast.....
 When we arrived at the zoo, the first task was to take the entrance picture.  We have this same pose every summer when we take KT to the zoo.
 KT showed us the big snake on the sidewalk.  If this snake poisonous? "Red and yellow, kill a fellow; Red and black, poison lack!"
 First exhibit was the snake house.  KT loves snakes... (this snake always reminds me of Harry Potter.)
 Next, we find the aquarium and start looking for some sharks.....
 Oh, yea....there are some!! And they even have KT's favorite shark, the hammerhead!
 Then we went into the butterfly house - I think this may have been the highlight of KT's visit today.  Her face just lit up when this butterfly landed on her.
 This is a nice little exhibit - there are some really beautiful butterflies - this brown one actually is much more colorful on the outside of the wings, but it holds its wings up straight when its landed on something.  Funny, they examine you before you can leave because these butterflies try to sneak out on people.  I had one on my bag at one point inside the exhibit.
 Then we spent the rest of our time just looking at animals ... it was a good day because it was overcast and most of the animals were out and about.
 These koi crawl all over each other to get to KT's fish food!
 Nope, KT, you can't get on -- it was too tall!
 Oh the excitement when KT found the merry-go-round!  Obviously she knew it was here.  This is in one of the remodeled part of the zoo - right across from the new restaurant.  She wanted to ride the shark, but he was out of commission, so her next choice was this hummingbird.  These animals, fish and birds on the merry-go-round are just beautiful, some real artistry.  Each ride was paid for by donations, too, and Colleen told us later that two of these animals are on no other merry-go-round in the world.
 These gators are from India.  Long thin snouts with teeth protruding ominously!!!
 Okay, it's shark week at Summer Day we need to explain anything else? ha!
 KT poses!
 Here's a new statue - steampunk hippos!  There's a sign that reads, "Caution, statue can be very hot in the summer sun!" ha ha ha!  You think?
 Whew! We were tired and ready to leave at about 1pm, and it was time for some lunch!  Salad buffet and mac'n cheese hit the spot, followed by some ice cream with sprinkles.  Ahhhh.......
 Home around 3pm and ready for a cool refreshing dip in the pool.  KT's new pool friend, Sally the Shark, was waiting for her to jump in.
 Yea!!! We had a great second week of summer camp!

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