Today we left for our trip to Mount Rushmore and places northwest! First travel day started at about 7am, later then I thought we'd get out, but not too shabby.
Our trips always start with a stop for breakfast tacos - it's our good luck charm! So after we accomplished that in Boerne, we headed out towards Oklahoma, on to Kansas, eventually landing in Dodge City for the first night.
Every time I travel through Texas my thoughts are often about the hardy souls who first settled this hard country. So much land, so vast, so wide. I was surprised with how beautiful the Texas panhandle was. Some beautiful country. Interspersed with some really harsh, flat and dry areas. We passed so many small towns that seemed deserted - the small downtown areas with buildings made of red or tan brick, their window fronts deserted or often stacked with flea market finds, some cracked and taped, but mostly empty. Not a soul in sight. Are the young people so anxious to move to the big city that they just don't come back after going away to college? That would be my guess. Sad to see as we drove through.
Lunched in Childress, one of the few towns that had some folks out and about on a Saturday. Then on to Oklahoma, and in to Dodge City, Kansas right about 7pm. John was very ready to get out from behind the wheel.
We got settled in at the motel and then went out to find a Dodge City steak. John talked with some of the staff downstairs who suggested Casey's Cowtown Steak House. Great steak and a very interesting place. He (Casey, I guess..) has collected some really beautiful art pieces, many American Indian artworks and some really nice collectables. There was a train station clock that was just beautiful and was something I'd love to have. Wonder where he go it?
Now, off to bed so we can get up and explore Dodge City in the morning. We only have to make it to Keystone, South Dakota tomorrow, so it should be a more leisurely day! Touch base with you tomorrow!